Published 6:39 pm Tuesday, September 2, 2003
By Staff
Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness described in and secures by that certain instrument granting a security interest in real Property from Dottie M. Boutwell, on April 20, 1998 and recorded in Real Property Book 168 Page 314-317 of the records in the office of the Judge of Probate Escambia County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as owner of said mortgage and the indebtedness secures thereby, has declared such indebtedness to be immediately due and payable and between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on the October 10, 2003 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the main door of the courthouse of Escambia County Alabama, the property described in an encumbered pursuant to said mortgage and situated in the County of Escambia, State of Alabama, and mote particularly described as follows:
Start at NW corner of the NE quarter of section 4, township 1 North, range 6 East, thence south 210 to the point of beginning; thence East 140 thence south 150 thence west 140 thence north 150 to the point of beginning, containing .46 of an acre. Begin at the NE corner of the NE quarter of the NW quarter of section 4, township 1 North, range 6 East, thence run South 200 to the point of beginning; thence West 145;; thence South 300; thence East 145; thence North 300 to the point of beginning.
Also described as 552 Martinville Loop, Atmore, Alabama 36502.
Said sale is for the purpose of paying the indebtedness and expenses incident to the sale, including a reasonable attorneys fee.
Acceptance Loan Company
640 N McKenzie, Suite 350
Foley, AL 36535
John V. Lee
Attorney for said Holder
P.O. Box 2533
Mobile, AL 36652
Atmore Advance
9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 9/24 2003
The City of Atmore Board of Zoning Adjustments will hold a Public Hearing at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, September 09, 2003 at City Hall. The purpose for the Public Hearing is to consider a request submitted by Dannie Luker Bradley of 303 E. Cypress Street to establish a Beauty Shop in her home.
Questions should b directed to the City Clerk at 251-368-2253.
Atmore Advance
8/27, 9/03, 2003