School board's working hard at tax passage

Published 12:04 am Thursday, November 13, 2003

By Staff
School board meetings are typically not very well attended. When one goes down the list of public meetings held in a community weekly, bi-weekly and monthly, they are usually the gatherings that draw the fewest observers.
Frankly, none of our public meetings draw the crowds they should, given the impact the goings-on there have on so many. But we've always found it odd that school board meetings in particular have such low turn-out, considering that the subject at hand -- the education of our community's young people -- is one that generates as much concern and passion as any other that's regularly on the public's agenda.
This is especially true in Brewton and Escambia County at the moment, with the vote for a 10-mill tax increase to support the schools looming only a few short weeks away.
Among the things citizens are missing out on by not attending the meetings -- both the Brewton City Schools' and County's -- is the all-encompassing effort the boards are putting into promoting passage of the new tax. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the need for the tax -- and this paper is on record as being strongly in favor of it -- it would be hard not admire the work those serving on our school boards have put in, committing impressive quantities of time and energy to the chore of swaying peoples' opinions.
Stephanie Walker, who serves on the Brewton City School Board, deserves special recognition for the effort she's put into the campaign in favor of the tax, working both here in Brewton and across the county.
It's easy sometimes to lose track of what those representing our interests in boardrooms and meeting chambers are doing, whether good or bad. But the people of Brewton and Escambia County should be aware of the effort being put forth here. If this tax passes -- and we believe that it will -- it should be remembered that it didn't happen by accident.

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