Relay for Life a chance to fight dreaded illness
Published 4:41 am Monday, January 12, 2004
By Staff
"Walk slowly in memory of those lost; walk swiftly in memory of those still fighting."
This line is one of many that's been written over the years as a way of putting into words the spirit behind Relay for Life, and it does an excellent job of it. Unlike practically any other event which places teams of people in the vicinity of a circular track, Relay is not meant as an athletic competition.
Rather, it's a chance for all involved -- for the community as a whole -- to show unity in the fight against cancer, a disease practically everyone's life has been changed by.
It doesn't matter how slowly or how swiftly the participants walk. What matters is that they are there, remembering those who lost their battles against the deadly affliction, and showing support for those still fighting it. Whether a person is there to walk, or to cheer on someone else, their participation in Relay makes them part of an effort that's more than worthwhile, the effort to one day bring an end to cancer and the suffering it causes.
The people of the Brewton area will again have a chance to participate in the fight against cancer when the annual Brewton Relay for Life is held April 30 at T.R. Miller High School. Though the event itself is months away, planning for it is in full swing, as businesses and other groups organize teams of walkers, and seek sponsors who'll allow their efforts on the track that evening to translate into dollars that are needed to carry on the search for a cure.
It's not too early to begin thinking about how you can participate in this year's Relay, either by walking yourself or being present in support of those who do. Every step that's taken, here and in communities like ours around the United States, brings the world one step closer to a cure.