County resurfaces road, gets grant for "Click It Or Ticket"
Published 9:59 am Wednesday, March 10, 2004
By Staff
Staff Report
The Escambia County Commission has entered into a contract with the Alabama department of Transportation to widen and resurface County Road 43 at Damascus.
The project, long in the works, has been held up by a scarcity of funds, but enough federal monies have been freed up to begin on it, according to Commission Chairman Larry White.
The county has also been awarded $5,500 in grant funding from Southeast Alabama Medical Center in recognition of the Sheriff's Office's "Click It Or Ticket" efforts.
The "Click It Or Ticket" campaign focuses on enforcing seatbelt laws, and the Escambia County Sheriff's Office has received statewide accolades for its successes in this area.
In other news, the county is moving forward with plans to sell six existing motor graders and purchase six new ones.
The old motor graders are at a point where they can be sold for what is owed on them, White said, thereby paying themselves off.