Easter Egg Hunt 2004 begins on Monday

Published 10:37 am Wednesday, March 17, 2004

By By ANNA M. LEE Assistant Editor
Saturday, March 20, Brewton will be treated to a visit by Kathryn Tucker Windham, a storyteller and author well-known throughout the South for her ghost stories and accounts of Southern folklore.
Windham will be speaking at the Brewton Public Library Saturday at 2 p.m., an event that is free to the public and open to anyone.
Librarian Brooke Walker is excited to present such a renowned figure to the area.
In preparation for the event, the library has erected banners and signs at the message center and at other locations in town to get the word out about Windham's visit.
Also, a city official is expected to be present on Saturday to present Windham with a key to the city.
A resident of Selma, Windham was a newspaper journalist for 40 years, but is best known for writing "13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey" and other collections of Southern ghost stories.
She has been a commentator for National Public Radio's "All Things Considered," authored more than 20 books and long been a crusader for preserving the art of storytelling.
The library has ordered extra copies of Windham's books to have them available for sale on Saturday.

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