What's wrong with America's values?
Published 3:55 pm Monday, May 24, 2004
By Staff
I subscribe to several professional journals, and while reading "Pulpit Helps" an article grabbed my attention. Miss Taylor Dockery wrote the article for her 10th grade English class. A student at Richard Hardy Memorial School in South Pittsburg, Tenn., Taylor received an "A" for her piece. It is rather uncommon in today's public schools for students to be allowed to write about their personal faith in Jesus Christ. Taylor is the daughter of James and Amy Dockery of Whitwell, Tenn. With permission from "Pulpit Helps," I share with you Taylor's composition:
Over the past years, America's morals have gone on a downward spiral. Today people accept everything and nothing comes as a surprise. Our society has embraced a multitude of immoral acts such as premarital sex, gay sex, abortion, drug use, and violence.
I believe that much of the depletion of values in America is the result of forsaking our biblical foundation. A recent poll indicated that 91 percent of this generation says an absolute truth doesn't exist. This means that people have stopped trusting in the Word of God. If people no longer believe that there is an absolute truth then they have no standards by which to live.
My commitment to America's future is to spread God's Word to anyone willing to listen. Ignorance causes many problems. If people can be introduced to God and His Word, how much He loves us, and what He expects of us, it might help them avoid much hurt and wrong choices. God's Word calls us to share the gospel with others. If we do that, maybe more people will realize the deception they've been under and decide to change.
The commitment I make to this country involves voting in local and national elections and praying for our nation's leaders. But the most important contribution I can ever give to this country is to be a vessel for God and let Him perform His perfect work through me. I truly believe that God's love can change this country. He alone can transform people's hearts for the better.
People think that one person can't make a difference, but many examples prove them wrong. Paul made a difference by spreading the Good News to the Gentiles. Esther saved her people from being destroyed. Martin Luther created an entire Reformation by nailing 95 statements to a door. Rosa Parks started the Civil Rights Movement by merely refusing to get out of a seat on the bus. Jesus covered the sins of the entire world. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and then died on a cross so we could live. That represents the most perfect example of one individual making a difference. The time has come for everyone to stand up for what is right. Once we do, I believe we will begin to see America change drastically for the better." - by Taylor Dockery, age 13
What can I say, but "AMEN."