Local life guards not just working on their tans this summer
Published 5:52 pm Monday, June 14, 2004
By By MATT JORDAN Staff Writer
Life guards are often perceived as teenagers looking for a job that gives them a good tan. This stereotype is not accurate.
Before life guards can even put on a whistle they must pass a written test, pass a CPR certification test and complete 30 to 40 hours of training.
After their training, they have to perform a few endurance tests such as swimming a number of laps, bringing a 25 pound weight off the bottom of the deep end, and treading water for 30 minutes.
The training must be taken every three years, and they must recertify their CPR test every year. It takes a little bit more than wanting a tan.
During the hours of training and testing, the life gaurds are instructed on the proper way to rescue swimmers that are conscious and unconscious, because if it isn't done properly it may prove fatal for the swimmer and their rescuer.
When they are on the job, the life guards are responsible for every person in and around the pool. If there is ever an accident, even if someone falls on the deck of the pool and sprains their ankle, the life guard must file an incident report and call paramedics if needed.
This ensures the guard that they won't be held responsible for not taking action.
At Dogwood Hills City pool, there is usually 30 or more kids in the pool.
Three lifeguards are on watch, one in the shallow end, the middle, and the deep part of the pool. The life guards must be assertive at all times.
The harsh reality of not being able to save a swimmer is something most all just put out of their minds completely.
Dogwood Hills is open to the public every day of the week except Tuesdays.