God has a plan for you

Published 9:23 pm Tuesday, August 3, 2004

By Staff
Many times in our lives we squander away God's love for us. But instead of responding in anger and destroying us for our persistent waywardness, God says, "I'm not going to act on my anger and destroy. And why? Because I am God and not a man. I'm the Holy One and I'm here in your midst."
May we realize that we need God's mercy and grace more and more each day? Especially when we see the cities become less safe, the murder rate skyrockets and many of the plans to improve things falls to pieces. Today, in your life, maybe you are facing uncertainty in an area of your life. May I encourage you in that God has a plan to prosper you and not harm you. He will give you a hope and a future. Leave the past behind you and begin to return to God with all your heart. Leave no stone unturned as you seek His face. For before you return to Him, know that He has loved you unconditionally for God is love.
The first step to finding God's will for your life, family, business and community is to repent. Quit squandering God's love. Allow His love to fashion in your life, family, business and community what has been lacking, that is, a loving respect for God and your neighbor. Find a good church home and never play religion with toy gods, but walk joyfully in God's love.
Rev. David Bronstad is the pastor of First United Methodist Church of East Brewton.

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