Looking Back… 50 years
Published 7:45 am Monday, November 29, 2004
By Staff
The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Brewton and East Brewton will open its annual fundraising drive for the 1954 Christmas shopping tour fo underprivileged children with a breakfast Tuesday morning at the Town House Cafe. The local chapter was tops in the United States in cities the size of Brewton last year in providing the greatest amount of shopping money per child it sponsored.
The Jaycees hope to furnish approximately 75 children with $5 in shopping money each. They will accompany the children on a shopping tour on Dec. 21 in downtown stores, after which the children will be treated to a free movie by the Ritz Theatre.
The Greater Brewton Ministerial Association held a Thanksgiving union church service Wednesday night at W.S. Neal School. The Rev. J.F. McLeod Jr. of the First Methodist Church was the speaker. Dr. William J. Arms conducted the service.
Escambia C ounty will have a $500 float in the Inaugural Parade when James E. "Big Jim" Folsom takes office as governor in Montgomery on Jan. 17.
Dr. and Mrs. E.O. Scharnitzky announce the birth of a daughter on Nov. 28.
Mrs. WIrt McCreary, Mrs. Hayes Parnell Jr., and Mrs. Ralph Larkins Jr. were hostesses Saturday when they entertained at a lovely luncheon at the Blue Moon in Montgomery honoring Miss Jean Teal, whose marriage to Paul Larkin Allen will take place Nov. 28 at the First Methodist Church of Brewton.