Program helps 600 children, 100 elderly here

Published 7:35 am Monday, November 29, 2004

Six hundred children and 100 elderly area residents will be remembered this Christmas, thanks to the collaborative efforts of several local organizations for the annual Christmas Project.
Greater Brewton Area Chamber of Commerce executive director Judy Crane said there are more requests for help this Christmas, a fact she attributes partially to Hurricane Ivan.
Kiwanis, the Sportsman's Club, and the Chamber combine resources to provide for the needy each year.
While some children have already been adopted, Santa's shoppers will select gifts for others using donations made to the Christmas Project. Those who adopted children need to drop their gifts by the Chamber office no later than Dec. 10.
Residents can help by:
Taking an angel from the angel trees at the banks or the chamber office.
Sending a contribution to The Christmas Project at 1010B Douglas Ave., Brewton, AL 36427. Donations are tax-deductible. The Chamber will acknowledge donations with a letter.

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