Wednesday tornado hits Foshee Road area

Published 7:36 am Monday, November 29, 2004

By By LYDIA GRIMES Features writer
Several residents who live on Foshee Road got a rude awakening Wednesday morning when either a tornado or straight-line winds tore through their yards.
The day brought severe weather with tornado watches and warnings being issued every few minutes at the head of a cold front moving in from the west.
While most did not experience any dangerous weather, there were a few anxious minutes about 8 a.m. when residents heard a loud roaring sound.
"It happened so fast, we didn't have time to do anything," said Wayne Lacy of 2554 Foshee Road. "We heard a loud noise that sounded like a train and then it was all over. We looked out and saw that all the plants had been sucked off the front porch and the roof torn off a shed. The funny thing is they survived Ivan and then got picked up and tossed about this morning."
Tony Yuhasz, who lives at 2576 Foshee Road, also had several items scattered about from the winds.
"It blew the trampoline across the yard," he said. "It landed upside down next to the trees behind the house."
The last couple of months have taught people just how powerful "Mother Nature" can be with hurricanes and tornadoes. Those who have been through them would agree.

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