Looking Back… 50 years
Published 11:10 am Monday, December 27, 2004
By Staff
The Christmas Shopping Tour for Underprivileged Children was termed an outstanding success this morning by the new president of the Jaycees, Floyd Steele. $552 was contributed to the campaign, and 94 children were taken on shopping sprees. Most of the children spent their money buying gifts of clothing for other members of their family, Steele said.
The Civic League announced winners in the three classes of Christmas decorations for homes in Brewton and East Brewton Monday. Winner of the best door decoration was Mrs. Herman Melton, 508 Douglas. In the category of "from the outside looking in" classification, the most attractive scene is at the residence of Miss Lizzie Kate Davison, 432 Douglas. Mrs. E.L. McMillan, Belleville, won first place in the outdoor decorations.
Members of the Fire Department, carrying out their annual project of repairing toys for underprivileged children, will provide 85 children with toys this Christmas.