Looking Back… 25 years

Published 1:36 pm Thursday, January 13, 2005

By Staff
Minimum wages increased from $2.90 an hour to $3.10 an hour beginning Jan. 1 of t his year for workers employed in covered establishments.
Construction is slated to get underway this month on the new W.S. Neal Elementary School, with the Stuart McCorkle firm of Montgomery as contractor.
Walter Broughton, T.R. Miller running back and defensive back, was congratulated for his scholarship to Jacksonville State University.
State Sen. Reo Kirkland announced that the State Department of Conservation has assigned three new conservation officers or game wardens to the Senate district. Two will be based in Escambia County, and a third will be based in Conecuh County.
Earl Moran of Brewton is shown with two large bass, the largest weighing seven pounds, two ounces, caught this week.
Greg Franklin, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Franklin Jr., bagged a 12-point buck.
Alabama Power Co. district manager Joe Webb delivered tax Collector Leonard Peevy a check for $116,846 in payment of the company's real and personal property taxes in Escambia County.

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