Our View
Published 3:24 pm Thursday, January 27, 2005
By Staff
Local generosity puts United Fund over top
Perhaps no one was more surprised than the members of the United Fund board when the recently-ended drive topped the organization's $90,000 and raised $100,000 for community organizations.
Hurricane Ivan delayed the drive's kick-off by several weeks. As local residents struggled to recover from the storm, whether they would be able to give to the United Fund this year was unknown.
But Brewton people have generous hearts, and they came through once again. The budgets of the Greater Brewton Area United Fund's agencies, which include the Brewton Area YMCA, American Red Cross-East Escambia County Chapter, Kid One Transport, Girl Scouts-Deep South Council, Brewton Public Library, Brewton Parks and Recreation Department, Escambia County Mental Health Association, Boy Scouts-Gulf Coast Council, East Brewton Youth Sports, Southwest Alabama Mental Health/Mental Retardation Board, Escambia County Cooperative Library System, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Disabled Children and Adults-Brewton Chapter and Christian Community Benevolent Fund, are all healthier this year because this drive was successful.
We extend a special note of thanks to the United Fund Board members who led this effort, including board president Mark Manning and board members Ann Peach, Barbara Moncrief, Sandy English, Marilyn Raines, Eric Coale, Mark Manning, Melanie Harrison and Father Adrian Cook.
And we especially salute all of those citizens who, even though they were struggling with their own battles, were generous enough to support United Fund and its 14 agencies.
Our community is better because you did.