Rebound delivers recovery efforts to county's doorstep
Published 3:43 pm Monday, January 31, 2005
By By Mary-Allison Lancaster Managing editor
When one thinks of rebuilding, most think about rebuilding a structure. Since the hurricane, residents in counties affected by Ivan also need help rebuilding their lives-emotionally and spiritually.
Project Rebound, "rebuilding county by county," has representatives in Brewton helping residents move through the "red tape" step-by-step.
Donna Couture, project manager for Project Rebound for four separate counties- Conecuh, Clark, Monroe and Escambia-addressed members of County Commission Monday morning. Regional Coordinator is Jodie Brewer.
Couture passed out yellow flyers that displayed what the group was here to do to help residents, and on the flipside of the flyer are helpful numbers for easy access.
The group was formed to help residents "learn to recognize the normal reactions and emotions