Museum houses old newspapers
Published 4:09 pm Wednesday, February 2, 2005
By By Lydia Grimes Feature Reporter
I have been asked many times about old newspapers and if we have them here at the newspaper office. The answer to that is, yes, we do have a lot of them. They are bound into volumes about every six months and we have them here. The problem is that we don't have them all. I wanted to let you know that I contacted Carol Madden, who looks after the museum at Jefferson Davis Community College. I asked her to let me know just which newspapers they have on microfilm. She was kind enough to send me a list and I want to share it with you. They are very interesting and informative. I suggest you cut this out and put it somewhere safe so that you can refer to it when you need to.
Newspapers on file at the Thomas E. Museum at JDCC
The Pine Belt News: Feb. 27,1894 – Nov. 8, 1917; The Standard Gauge: Jan. 4, 1900 – Dec. 21, 1905; The Laborers Banner: March 3, 1902 – May 17, 1902; The Brewton Standard: Jan. 4, 1906 – April 27, 1994; The Atmore Spectrum: Sept. 18, 1903 – April 25, 1912 The Atmore Record: May 2, 1912 – Dec. 28, 192?; Escambia Record: Jan. 11, 1923 – Nov. 29, 1928; The Atmore Advance: Oct. 6, 1927 – Dec. 29, 1955, Jan. – Dec. 1981, Jan. 6, 1983 – Dec. 31, 1986; Flomaton News: Oct. 5, 1928 – Sept. 12, 1930; The Flomaton Journal: Jan. 5, 1940 – July 1942, July 13, 1944 – April 21, 1949; Jan. 5, 1950 – Dec. 1951; May 8, 1952 – Sept. 18, 1958, and The Tri City Ledger: July 3, 1974 – Dec. 31, 1981 Jan. 6, 1983 – Dec. 26, 1985.
Now back to the Brewton family.
So far we have covered George, Mary, Clarissa and Nathan Jackson Bruton were the children of John and Isabelle Bruton. The next child was Joseph Brewton (abt. 1768 in North Carolina-1858). He is buried at Pilgrims Rest in Alco and the name of his wife was Elizabeth.
Joseph was the only sibling in his family who never lived in Georgia. He married Elizabeth P. (surname unknown, but could have been Pringle), who was born in 1778. Some records say she was born in Virginia and some say Tennessee. The couple lived for several years after their marriage in North Carolina, in an area that became part of Kentucky. They migrated through Tennessee to Marengo County, Ala., and then on to what is now Escambia County, where Joseph appears on a tax list for 1816. Joseph's brother, Benjamin, and his first cousin, Benjamin, also settled in this area of southern Alabama.
Joseph and Elizabeth settled on Alco Hill , in what became the city of Brewton. He is known to have purchased property there in 1837. Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church was organized on September 17, 1854, as a result of the increasing number of settlers to the area. Joseph appears in records as a charter member of the church.
Joseph's headstone in Pilgrims Rest Cemetery reads, "To the memory of my father, Joseph Brewton, born in Kentucky 1768, died in Escambia County, Alabama, 1858. Gone to rest." Joseph's wife Elizabeth died in 1866. She is buried next to him. They had seven confirmed children. There are three other possible children (Alexander, William and Diana) that are unconfirmed.
They are, Elizabeth McCabe Brewton, Joseph Brewton, Benjamin Brewton, Abraham C. Brewton, Diddama Brewton, Barbara Brewton and Parker Pringle Brewton. I will get into the children next week.