Looking Back… 25 years
Published 10:57 pm Monday, April 4, 2005
By Staff
March 27, 1980
Ken Tucker posed with his 1930 Model A Ford. The car was complete with spoke wheels and a rumble seat and ran perfectly. Tucker said it cost considerably more than when it came off the assembly line during the depression with a price of $488.
Robert Hardy was reappointed to the Brewton Housing Authority and Albert Lewis to the City Board of Education.
According to a USDA study, the trend is toward more convenience foods.
T.R. Miller High School Parent-Teachers Association served spaghetti dinners to about 375 persons and raised about $700.
Frances Renee Seay became the bride of Lawton Jay Shipp.
Peggy Bracken spoke to the meeting of the women of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints.