Our View

Published 12:05 am Wednesday, April 13, 2005

By Staff
TCIDA moving forward with regional plan for development
The Tri County Industrial Development Authority took a huge step forward last week, moving ahead with the purchase of 50 acres along I-65 in Conecuh County.
In making the deccision, the authority's board members decided that the organization, still in the toddler stage, "grow feet and walk," as John Barnett, who represents Monroe County on the board, said.
The South Alabama Gas board had offered to buy the property, carry it as an asset, and sell it to the authority at the original purchase price in three years.
But board members felt it important to move the authority forward and let it stand on its own.
In recent weeks and months, the authority has gathered significant pledges of financial support from the private and public sectors. The group is moving forward witih its plans to hire an executive director who would market the region in an effort to recruit new industrywhile simultaneously focusing on retention and growth of existing industries. It is hoped that employee will be in place by June.
Regionalism is an idea whose time has come in Escambia, Conecuh andMonroe counties. We salute those leading the charge and moving us forward.

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