Procrastinators: Advice on filing, mailing taxes
Published 11:57 pm Wednesday, April 13, 2005
By Staff
Staff Reports
April 15th, the deadline for filing income tax returns for 2004, looms.
Tax experts estimate that as many as 40 percent of American taxpayers -especially those who owe taxes and dread paying them – don't file their taxes until the week before they're due
For those haven't begun their income taxes, Becky Hanks of H&R Block said her agency is still accepting clients.
She recommends that those who have not begun to work on their taxes gather as much information and paperwork as possible and get started immediately.
For the procrastinators who'll be mailing their taxes on Friday, Brewton postmaster Lynn Rives says the taxes must be in the box no later than 5 p.m. to be postmarked April 15.
For those dropping returns into the collection box at the Post Office in East Brewton, the latest available drop time is 3:30 p.m., Rives said.