Sisters donate their locks

Published 5:51 am Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Two years ago, Heather Kelly Picardi overheard her sister, Helen Kelly, say that she was letting her hair grow long so that she could donate it to Locks of Life, a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially dissadvantaged children 18 years and younger who are suffering from long-term medical hair loss.
The sisters never discussed it, but Picardi, who was sporting a new chin-length haircut at the time, decided she'd do the same thing.
Friday, the sisters had Vicky Sitarz at Chicago's Hair Design cut their hair. Why was Friday the magic day?
Plus, the weather is warm, and it was a good time to go with a shorter hairdo, they agreed.
Sitarz said she encourages clients who are having significant lengths of hair cut to donate their ponytails to the organization. The hair is tightly wound with a rubber band before it is cut so that it can be easily kept together.

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