Springhill cleans up

Published 2:40 pm Wednesday, August 17, 2005

By Staff
Volunteers spend day improving community
Residents from the Springhill Community cracked out of bed early and began a neighborhood cleanup day on Saturday. At 8 a.m., residents had gathered on Springhill Drive and began to pull out weeds, mow the grass and pick up trash.
Walter Watts said that he and other residents plan to tackle the whole community. He said that there are actually two sections to the Springhill Community, but Springhill Drive was the most notorious for drug activity and speeding.
Clarence Dubose was busy working on the side of Springhill Drive, using the weed eater to edge along the street, while John Wayne Bailey and Watts worked together to pull up a signpost that had no sign. Bailey's son, Joseph Bailey, helped out the older residents and pushed a lawn mower religiously up and down the street.
Residents have been regularly meeting at a local church and putting their heads together to try and alleviate the drug and traffic problem that has polluted their community. Residents have said that they have already seen a difference in the community.
County Commissioner Todd Williamson followed through with his promise to members of the community, and placed work orders for signs residents requested. Watts said that so far, a Community Watch sign was posted at the beginning of the community and more are to arrive. Do Not Litter signs have already been ordered but had not arrived as of Saturday.
Attendance was minimal in the early morning hours Saturday, but Watts and Bailey were positive and expected a lot more people to arrive later in the morning.
Watts said that he hoped the neighborhood cleanup would catch on, because they were going to "try to get the other end next weekend."

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