Looking Back… 25 years
Published 3:46 pm Wednesday, August 24, 2005
By Staff
August 21, 1980
A pay raise for teachers in the Brewton City School system was approved at a Wednesday, Aug. 13 noon meeting of the Brewton City School Board. Approved was a four percent raise of all teachers.
W.S. Neal and other county public school students will pay 75 cents instead of 60 cents for lunches this year after the increase got the approval of the county Board of Education last Thursday.
A record United Way goal of $46,675 to aid 14 agencies was approved this week in prepration for the upcoming fund drive. This year's goal represents an 11 percent increase over last year, when approximately $42,000 was raised in the Brewton-East Brewton area, according to United Way president Johnnie Byrd.
Probate Judge Martha Kirkland signs a proclamation designating Aug. 25 through Sept. 1 "S.O.B.E.R" campaign week in Escambia County. The acronym stands for "Slow on the Bottle, Enjoy the Road."
Brewton swimmers defeated Cordova Park 440-168 in the last season meet.