Living alone requires solo work

Published 9:52 pm Wednesday, October 19, 2005

By Staff
It's amazing what you find out you can do while living solo. In fact, I've become rather independent these days.
I know how to change a tire, follow a food recipe, put furniture together, move furniture around, set up my television, DVD and stereo, change the oil in my car, fix a leak coming from the fridge, fix a broken ceiling fan and many other things.
While I manage to tackle a lot of odd jobs I originally thought were impossible, I was faced with the daunting task of putting a bed skirt on my bed last week – alone and with no instructions.
Of all things in the world, the bed skirt almost had me cry Uncle.
You take a lot of things for granted when you have a roommate, loved one or family member help you out. But what happens when there's no one out there and something HAS to be done – like put a bed skirt on an already made bed?
I've been living in my apartment for several months now, sans bed skirt. I have been waiting for a particular bed set to go on sale and low and behold it finally did.
I gladly received the bed ensemble as a birthday gift and was quite eager to put it all together.
I carefully, and quickly, slipped my down comforter into my duvet cover. and placed it to the side.
I grabbed the bed skirt and carefully eyed the bed and wondered how I would proceed. Do I lift the mattress or slide it to the side? Do I follow my co-worker's advice and climb underneath the mattress while quickly sliding the bed skirt into place? What happens if I get trapped under the mattress and can't get out?
All those questions popped into mind as I huffed and puffed with the queen sized bed.
I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I know that 30 minutes later, sweating like I had just run a marathon, water bottle in hand, hair in disarray and my dog staring at me with a puzzled expression, I managed to get the bed skirt on.
I learned a lot of things that night. First, when I move into my next apartment I will be sure to place the bed skirt on first. Second, if I get a sudden itch to purchase a new bed skirt I will make sure I have somebody help me. Third, even though it's cold, don't wear a sweater while maneuvering such a daunting task.
Or maybe I'll just forget the whole bed thing in the future and opt for a futon.
Mary-Allison Lancaster is the Managing editor of the Brewton Standard. She can be reached via e-mail at

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