Letters to the editor

Published 12:16 am Monday, November 14, 2005

By Staff
Dear editor:
Being citizens of Brewton for 31 years, we continue to marvel at what a great city Brewton is.
We are both 80 years old and hesitate to climb on a ladder to do needed replacements and small jobs.
Last week, we saw our friend Ronny Thompson and mentioned to him our 30-year-old smoke alarm needed to have a battery replaced.
Today, we received a call from the fire department and informed us they would be out to help us. In a short time, two very courteous firemen came and not only replaced the battery, but a new unit.
This not only pleased us, but also our family who do not live near. This service we will remember as we continue to enjoy the wonderful life Brewton offers us.
Thank you Fire Department.
Tom and Joy Reese
Dear editor:
In keeping with the comments of your article, &#8220Rocky Start,” I'll keep this succinct and to the point. I've been a resident of Brewton since 1973 and practice at the Brewton Medical Center. This, too, was my first ever attendance at a Planning Committee meeting.
I hope the Planning Committee and all residents of Brewton read your article so that they (the Planning Committee) as well as the residents of Brewton will know how to conduct not only the meeting but also themselves during further encounters.
I'm sure your opinion and expertise in this matter is greatly appreciated and I can only hope that you can give us your suggestions on other matters so we in Brewton can get it right.
Dr. Robert DeFrancisco
Brewton Medical Center
Dear editor:
As a resident of Escambia County, Ala., as well as a patient of Dr. Dan Raulerson for many years, I would like to set forth my personal insight into his capabilities as a physician.
I feel that the accusations and events of the malpractice lawsuit to which he has been subjected over the past weeks after spending innumerable hours in depositions, travel and review of records would have to make a doctor of his level of integrity question whether his practice is worth the trouble.
As was evidenced from the courtroom show of support from his patients in the highest esteem by those under his care, particularly by all those whose lives he has &#8220saved” time and time again. Should he suddenly decide to lay down his practice and move to another area of the country, it is possible that half of his patients would seriously consider moving with him and the other half would consider commuting the distance to continue under his care.
How many doctors would chase down a patient in a motel in central Arkansas late in the evening and make them promise to wear a neck brace until their return to Brewton because an MRI has indicated to him that a wrong move could result in permanent paralysis?
Because of his diligence, referral to the best neurologist and continuing care after surgery, I was made whole again physically. He gave me back my life.
It's important that we each understand in this &#8220sue happy” society in which we are a part, litigation lawyers advertise their wares in an attempt to dismantle and destroy every element of our lives. They do not care about the &#8220injured” party but about the majority of the take.
Doctors are not God. They are highly trained men and women in the solemn business of attempting to heal those that are sick and those in jeopardy of dying.
Thank you Dr. Raulerson. You are a real doctor. Don't make us call you collect in the middle of the night.
Patrick W. Jarvis

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