Cook's Corner

Published 3:42 pm Monday, April 3, 2006

By By Lisa Tindell
With the warming of the weather come ideas of cooking outdoors and having lots of fun. Yep, at my house that either means firing up the grill or turning on the butane cooker to boil up a mess of seafood - yum, yum!
There is an old-wives tale that says oysters shouldn't be eaten except during a month that has an &#8220r” in it. Well here we &#8220r” smack dab in Ma &#8220r” ch. Sounds like oyster time to me.
I can remember my first experience eating raw oysters. My then-boyfriend and now-husband took me to Nichol's Seafood Restaurant near Milton when we were dating. He ordered up some oysters-on-the-half-shell and invited me to take a taste. As he downed the first few, I decided that wasn't something I wanted to try. However, my curiosity got the better of me, and I gave in to the beauty of the dish.
Larry lovingly placed one of the smaller oysters on a saltine cracker, sprinkled a little salt and pepper on top and put a nice dollop of cocktail sauce over the whole thing. As I bit down on this slippery jewel, he was telling me not to bite it in half but to eat the whole thing at one time. Too late

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