Stop blaming, start teaching

Published 7:35 pm Wednesday, April 26, 2006

By Staff
The 12-year-old boy was accused of beating and stabbing to death his mother and younger brother.
Four teenagers were sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for beating a homeless man to death last spring.
Five teenage boys were charged Monday with threatening to carry out a shooting spree at their high school.
Those are just three consecutive headlines I read on one page of the newspaper. I'm sure there will be more to come.
Is it just me, or does it seem as though teenagers are becoming more and more dangerous these days?
What seems to be the problem?
Many people are quick to blame music and television as the culprits to so many problems among today's youth. But I think there's more to it.
We condone violence. Just look at the thousands of soldiers fighting overseas right now.
Open a newspaper, turn on a television news program, listen to just about any public conversation and they are most likely discussing violence.
Soldiers come back from war and are praised, as they should be, and children see these war heroes and make them their idols.
Are they mirroring their heroes? Are they the next to blame for the violence among youth?
While I don't condone the war, I think that would just another blaming outlet.
The truth of the matter is, it's all in the upbringing. Children who grow up in a family of violence will most likely turn into a violent person.
Just like children who maliciously murder animals will most likely turn into a murderer.
So how do you stop this movement?
I can't answer that. I'm not a parent.
But I don't think it takes a whiz to realize violently fighting in front of a child and using harsh language is a no-no.
The bottom line is this - today's youth must be taught manners and respect.
I'm not that much older than today's youth, but I know when I was their age if I ever disrespected my parents I wouldn't know what the outside of my room looked like.
If I ever used bad language around them, my tongue would be washed out with soap.
Let's stop blaming and start teaching the next generation a thing or two.
Mary-Allison Lancaster is the Managing Editor of the Brewton Standard. She can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at 251.867.4876.

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