Letter to the editor
Published 12:31 am Monday, June 5, 2006
By Staff
Dear Editor:
First off I would like to thank the entire Brewton Mets and especially their coaching staff (Chris Griffin, David Brittain and Frank Reid) for a game that showed true sportsmanship. So many times when Brewton and East Brewton teams play it becomes a Neal and Miller thing or a coaches ego and they forget that this is about the kids.
I have watched other coaches during this City League Tournament, and some of them need to quit playing the game through their children; it is their time to learn and to be a kid. Coaches like the team we played on Thursday night do not realize that all the children on both sides hear them.
He protested every call and said the umpires were cheating and his favorite saying right in front of the bench was,” that is a bad call I don't care who you are” and “I will never play in East Brewton again.”
If he would have just been quiet for a few minutes he would have realized most of the calls he was saying was wrong was right on the money.
The umpires do the best they can no matter if they are from Brewton or East Brewton. Maybe this coach needs to take some lessons from the Mets coaching staff on how to coach children and if he is as good as he thinks he is he needs to go apply for a varsity job.
Again, congratulations to the Mets; keep up the good work.
Frankie Godwin