Letters to the editor

Published 12:58 am Wednesday, June 7, 2006

By Staff
It has been several days since the dust settled on our Habitat for Humanity Blitz build, but the positive continues throughout the community.
There was a lot of focus on the &#8220out-of-towners,” and without them and their knowledge we could not have accomplished what we did. But this is to thank the local volunteers, organizations, churches and businesses that made it happen. WE had support from outside the area, also. From Atmore, Enterprise, Evergreen and Pensacola, along with the Brewton area we had every need met. With all the phone calls, faxes and letters written, we were blessed at every turn. So to everyone involved in this &#8220first” for Brewton, my heartfelt thanks is extended to you!
On the site every day, there were people from all backgrounds, young and old, different religious beliefs. But we were all there for one reason, one goal, and that was to build homes, not just a house or two but to help our neighbors, to extend a helping hand, one hammer at a time.
In the words of Louis Armstrong's song, my favorite by the way, &#8220What a wonderful world!”
Join us as we continue to build dreams and homes.
Bobi Rush
Greater Brewton Habitat for Humanity
Affiliate president
Gerdy: Habitat blitz was ‘amazing'
Just in case you didn't know, there was a Habitat For Humanity Blitz Build in Brewton from May 6-9. I was lucky enough to be able to head up the construction side of the project. Habitat Blitz Builds are always exciting events, but what took place in Brewton on Conoley Avenue was amazing. I learned a great deal about Brewton in the short time I was there, but three items stand out as I look back over the blitz.
1. You know how to cook.
2. You know how to laugh.
3. You know how to join hands and hearts to make the world a better place.
From the very first contact with Brewton, I had a good feeling about what would take place when our traveling group came to town for this blitz. What did happen far surpassed my greatest hopes and dreams. Shortly after our group arrived, we could tell that there was some magic and excitement in air in Brewton, Ala. Our entire traveling group thanks you for making it so exciting and taking us in. Your town took hospitality to a new level during the Blitz Build.
I want to thank you for making this event so powerful. If you were able to participate, I hope you felt that power and I hope you will come back. It always excites me to see people of different races, religions, ages and backgrounds follow their hearts just to make a difference. If you were not able to participate, I hope you will give it a try in the future. We can promise if you volunteer with Habitat For Humanity, you will not be able to give more than you receive. We now challenge you to take the energy you created and carry it forward. Thank you once again!
Tom Gerdy
Lynchburg, Va., resident
Help mom become tobacco-free
This Sunday, May 14 is Mother's Day. On this special day for moms, we should also remember that a terrific way to celebrate Mother's Day might be to pledge to give moms who currently smoke the kind of loving support, encouragement and information that could help them to be tobacco-free before Mother's Day next year.
In the United States, one in five adult women currently smoke, putting them at risk for heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer, emphysema and other life threatening illnesses. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer among women, and smoking is attributable for 90 percent of these deaths.
Smoking also accounts for one of every five deaths from heart disease, the overall leading cause of death among women. When women quit smoking, they improve their own health as well as the health of the people around them.
Mothers who give up smoking improve the likelihood that their children will grow-up to be tobacco-free and lead much longer and much healthier lives. Alabama ranks number 37th with 1 equaling low for their smoking rank among women. There are approximately 381,600 women in Alabama who smoke with 2,500 deaths each year from smoking.
The Alabama Tobacco Quitline ( 1-800-Quit Now ) is currently offering Nicotine Replacement Therapy Patches for a limited time to those smokers who qualify that want to quit smoking.  There is no better time to quit then now before any other children have to lose their mothers to this deadly addiction.
Tina Findley, RN
ADPH Area 9
Tobacco Prevention and Control Coordinator
Umpires proud of T.R. Miller, fans
We (Derek Milton, Michael Scarborough, and Brett Armstrong) traveled to Brewton Friday, April 28, to officiate the second round of the high school state baseball play-offs between T.R. Miller High School (Brewton), and Northside High School (Tuscaloosa). We arrived in Brewton on Friday, April 28, to officiate the series between the two teams with a 4:30 p.m. starting time. We officiated two games on Friday. Northside won the first, while T.R. Miller won the second. We then traveled back to Brewton on Saturday for the deciding game at 1 p.m. with T.R. Miller winning the final game by a score of 9-6.
All three games were well-played by both teams; however, the reason we are writing this is to comment on how we as umpires were treated, and how well each team represented their schools.
Upon arrival in Brewton, we were treated with utmost professionalism. T.R. Miller High School provided us with an extremely nice place to dress, including fully furnished showers, food, drinks, air-conditioning, and top-notch professionalism from every coach and the principal. We were escorted to and from the field, and were treated with professionalism while on the field as well. We all agreed as umpires this was the most enjoyable series we have ever called. We believe this speaks volumes of T.R. Miller High School, its principal, staff, coaching staff, players, and the fans. The pride for T.R. Miller High School and the town of Brewton was obvious by the actions of everyone involved.
Because we have mentioned many good things about T.R. Miller High School, one might think Northside High School to be below average in their display of professionalism. However, this was not the case. Northside coaches, players, and fans were also exemplary in their professionalism as well. We, as umpires, with the Southeast Alabama Baseball Umpires Association in Dothan, AL, feel both schools were well represented in this series. This letter is a token of our appreciation to both T.R. Miller, and Northside High School for a job well done.
Derek Milton
Michael Scarborough
Brett Armstrong

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