City considers saving costs with Web classes

Published 1:30 am Wednesday, June 14, 2006

As an effort to save on costs, the city of Brewton discussed Tuesday the possibility of having local government officials take online courses through Local Government University rather than send officials to various out-of-town workshops.
Through Local Government University, city government employees would take Internet access training programs. Councilwoman Ann Marie Sasser said the city would benefit because it would cut down on travel costs while sending employees to workshops.
The success, Sasser said, would depend on several factors, including whether what individuals should take the test and their computer literacy. Sasser said through evaluations, government officials were high on the computer literacy scale.
Mayor Ted Jennings said he thought the program could be of a benefit to the city and it was &#8220worth following.”
Classes available fall under several categories including productivity, safety and environment, law enforcement, customer service and financial management among others. Employees would take the courses either on computers in their office or at the library.
Once the test is taken, employees must make a 100 percent before they take the next class.
The program tracks employee status but doesn't report the score.
The cost discussed was based on a one-year term for 30 people at $1,000 at the city's expense.
Council members unanimously approved council members look at the program and evaluate whether the program would be a better tool to train local government employees.
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