Campbell's experience one of WSN's most valuable tools

Published 8:58 am Sunday, August 13, 2006

By BY BRUCE HIXON – sports editor
A lot of faces have come and gone in the W.S. Neal Blue Eagles football program in recent years.
In fact, the only continuous face in the varsity program over the last six years has been Coy Campbell.
Current W.S. Neal head coach Blaine Hathcock is the third different head coach Campbell has worked under at the school. He arrived in 2001 and worked under Jim Fountain for two seasons. Shane Smothers arrived in 2003, and Campbell spent two more seasons under him. This is now Campbell's second season under Hathcock.
Hathcock said Campbell's dedication and stability in the program is invaluable.
Campbell has coached a little bit of everything in the W.S. Neal program. He has had stints with quarterbacks, wide receivers, outside linebackers, inside linebackers and the secondary. This season he has yet another task as offensive line coach.
Campbell said the line is the most critical part of the offense.
Campbell indicated coaching the line has forced him to learn the entire structure of W.S. Neal's offense.
Campbell admits his first W.S. Neal offensive line is a challenge due to its youth.

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