New smoke ban?

Published 10:40 am Wednesday, August 30, 2006

By By Lisa Tindell – news writer
The City of East Brewton may be ready to follow in the footsteps of other cities in Escambia County by considering an ordinance against smoking in establishments within the city limits.
Tina Findley with the Coalition for a Healthier Escambia County was on hand for the city council meeting Monday to distribute literature concerning second-hand smoke dangers.
Clark indicated that the information would be taken under consideration as the council considers passing an ordinance against smoking. The topic will be discussed during the next regular council meeting set for Sept. 11.
The wording of a city ordinance brought an East Brewton resident before the mayor and council during Monday's meeting as well.
Lester said that over a period of time, he has had to deal with a problem of dogs barking in his neighborhood during early morning hours when most folks are sleeping.
Lester says he is not against people owning dogs or other pets. However, this ordinance pits neighbor against neighbor when the ordinance is not enforced.
Clark said he understood the problem and hopes that something can be done to make some changes.

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