TRM beats No. 1 Thomasville
Published 2:55 pm Monday, October 9, 2006
By By Lisa Tindell – news writer
He says he's sorry and that it won't happen again, but you fear it will.
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, regardless of age, economic status, race and educational background. October has been designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month to publicize the problem.
The Escambia County Domestic Violence Task Force is working to help victims of abusive relationships from the time of the incident to the end of legal conclusion.
Escambia County's domestic violence statistcs may appear staggering to some while those in the police departments, sheriff's departments and task forces in the county know all to well as high the numbers are in cases of abuse.
Although the 2005 statistical data shows no deaths as a result of domestic violence in this county, the statistics from previous years show a more grim reality.
Although the task force office is open daily to accommodate victims of domestic abuse, women can suffer at the hands of abusive partners at any time. In cases such as that, the Escambia County Sheriff's Department dispatchers are usually the first to learn of a violent abuse case.
Cain said every law enforcement agency in the county as well as hospital emergency rooms have a number where she can be reached at any time.
Following initial contact with a victim, Cain said her office helps to follow through until they are safe and settled.
The ECDVTF works in cooperation with Penelope House in Mobile, Cain said.
Cain said the services of her department aren't forced on a victim but are offered and explained.
Cain said although the department works primarily with victims as abuse occurs, they also want to prevent abusive situations for potential victims.
In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a candlelight vigil is being planned for Oct. 19 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Brewton City Park at the downtown gazebo. Speakers will include advocates as well as victims with a special memorial period for the women in Escambia County who died as a result of domestic violence. If rain occurs at the time of the ceremony, the venue will be moved to Bell Chapel at Brewton First Baptist Church on Belleville Avenue.
For information or to report a domestic violence incident, contact the Escambia County Domestic Violence Task Force offices at 867-9713 or toll-free at 1-800-650-6522, or local law enforcement agencies. Male victims of domestic violence should contact local low enforcement agencies or call toll-free at 1-800-799-7233.