Candidate White has better record

Published 3:34 pm Wednesday, October 11, 2006

By Staff
I read the column in The Brewton Standard dated Sept. 24, 2006, concerning the campaign of Alan Baker.
It made me start thinking about the election coming up, and I realized that I didn't know that much about either candidate. Living in Brewton for only three years put me at a disadvantage, in that I don't know the people or the politics of the community.
So I began a search to discover whom I should vote for. But, before I get into what I found, I would like to state that I am not a registered Democrat nor do I vote a straight ticket. I have always tried to look at who is the best candidate to get the job done and then cast my vote that way.
After reading the column about Alan Baker, it was clear that he has no record in politics. So then I started looked at what Skippy White has done over the years. After researching and making a list of some of the things Skippy has accomplished, I came to the conclusion that maybe the readers would like to recall his accomplishments.
Skippy White's record indicates the following:

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