Our Opinion

Published 4:28 pm Wednesday, October 18, 2006

By Staff
Vigil gives voice to abuse victims
Domestic violence touches many lives in many different ways. From verbal abuse to physical abuse that leads, sometimes, to death, chances are we know someone who is abused or who has been touched by abuse in their families.
October has been designated as Domestic Violence Abuse observation month across the nation. In Alabama alone, there were more than 19,000 abuse offenses reported in 2005. Statistics indicate that almost that many abuse offenses go unreported, or at the very least, unprosecuted.
Although men do suffer at the hands of their partners, statewide statistics show that nearly 80 percent of victims reporting the crime are women.
In Escambia County there have been four domestic abuse related deaths in the past five years according to Renee Cain, victim advocate with the Escambia County Domestic Violence Task Force.
Those deaths should not have happened. Those deaths, however, do need to be remembered.
To that end, the Escambia County Domestic Violence Task Force will be holding a vigil in protest against abuse and to honor and remember those who have died at the hands of their abusers.
The candlelight vigil is being planned for Thursday, Oct. 19 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Brewton City Park at the downtown gazebo. Speakers will include advocates as well as victims. If rain occurs at the time of the ceremony, the venue will be moved to Bell Chapel at Brewton First Baptist Church on Belleville Avenue.
We encourage those who are opposed to domestic violence to attend the special services.
Light a candle for the victims, male and female. Light a candle because you care.

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