Letter to the editor: Thanks given for event success

Published 7:44 pm Wednesday, November 15, 2006

By Staff
The American Legion, Billy Glenn Rushing, Post 90, Atmore and the American Legion Auxiliary want to thank everyone for the success of our first Veteran's Day Parade, which was an attempt to involve the community. We want to thank everyone who participated as well as those who lined the streets of Atmore in support.
Thanks to the Atmore Police Department and the Fire Department who helped to ensure the safety of the parade with their participation. We were very pleased to have our Mayor Howard Shell and his wife, Nanette, participate.
The JROTC from Escambia County High School led the parade and carried the colors. The parade music was provided by the JROTC Commander from his vehicle.
Veterans from the American Legion and the V.F.W. carried the various service flags and the flags of their organizations.
Many veterans walked the entire parade route. Many participated that could not walk, but rode in private vehicles.
A group of antique cars from the South Alabama Region of the A.A.C.A., driven by drivers from Brewton and Atmore, provided transportation for many that were unable to walk.
Others who participated were non-veterans, as well as veterans. There were motorcycles and other vehicles.
The floats of &#8220parade units” were exceptional. Representing the Spanish-American War (1898-1902) from Huxford Elementary School, coordinated by Nancy Karrick, on the back of a jeep-type vehicle was Theodore &#8220Teddy” Roosevelt followed by the &#8220Rough Riders” (a group of student riding &#8220stick” horses. This parade unit won first prize.
Representing World War I (1917-1918), from The American Legion Junior Auxiliary and coordinated by Merrilene Garrett, was representative of Flanders' field, which represented the devastation of this world. It also represented the &#8220Poppy” story. The Poppy was adopted by the American Legion Auxiliary as a memorial flower from this period. The Poppy flower is used as a thank you for contributions to be used to benefit hospitalized and disabled veterans. This float also featured the &#8220Little Miss Poppy” and &#8220Miss Poppy” for 2006. This float won second place.
Representing Iraqi Freedom was our own National Guard unit, Co. A, 711th Signal Battalion. Who better to do that? We are all very proud of them. The float was coordinated by Peggy Lane, president of the Support Group. It depicted the National Guard, the Iraqi location, and was &#8220manned” by many of the children of the Guard, all dressed in appropriate uniforms. Many of the families and guardsmen marched. Another of their equipment was also entered. This entry won third place.
We appreciate all of the participants. Here's hoping we just gave Atmore a sample of what is to come next. We hope that we have no overlooked anyone.
I saw many children waving flags. One boy was skating and waving to flags. Vehicles, motorcycles and automobiles were decorated to show their support of the veterans and their country.
We also want to thank you for being so generous in contributing to the handicapped and disabled veteran fund in our recent &#8220Poppy Campaign.”
Mary Stanley
President of the Auxiliary
Atmore resident

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