Annex opinions run high

Published 9:48 pm Monday, December 4, 2006

By By Kerry Whipple Bean – publisher
Brewton city officials will be reviewing submitted comments about their proposed annexation plan before making any decisions about the future of the plan.
The city has received a significant number of written comments on the plan following a public hearing Tuesday, Yuhasz said.
City officials have proposed annexing three separate areas of the county, mainly in north Brewton, including the area surrounding Brewton Country Club.
Originally the city council planned to have the annexation proposal go through the Legislature for approval as early as next spring.
But at last week's public hearing, Mayor Ted Jennings said that timeline is &#8220off the table.”
Instead, the city will review the comments from the public and possibly come up with a new annexation plan.
Jennings said there is also a possibility county residents in the affected areas would be able to vote on the issue.
The public hearing was attended mainly by county residents who were opposed to the annexation proposal.
Among their concerns are higher city taxes and the impact of annexation on the Escambia County School District.
The city has maintained that annexation can be positive for the county because it will provide for planning and zoning in areas of potential growth.
The current proposed annexation areas would add 8.62 square miles to the city limits and an estimated 1,300 people to the population.

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