Brewton residents make new resolutions

Published 1:33 am Wednesday, January 3, 2007

By By Lydia Grimes – lifestyles reporter
The New Year is a time for recommitment and hopes for a new start.
It is also a time when many make resolutions that may or may not be kept for the next 12 months. People in Brewton are no different. A check with people on the street will show that most have plans, one way or the other.
Sarah Odom feels a little different.
Larry Ward said he was making the resolution to cut out all the mistakes he make in 2006.
Angelique Chappelle had different ideas.
Larry Murphy expressed himself by saying, &#8220I haven't thought about it too much. I broke the ones I made last year. If I do make a resolution, I would say that I want to learn to spend more time serving the Lord and getting closer to Him.”

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