White apparel rules given

Published 12:30 pm Monday, April 2, 2007

By Staff
Miss Manners and Emily Post I am not, but I do have an opinion about something that can be confusing.
Although wearing white apparel shouldn't be confusing, for many people it is. I'm not sure why there is so much confusion, but my plan is to lessen the confusion with some information that bears repeating.
The confusion I'm talking about stems from the question &#8220at what time of year is OK to wear white?”
The answer may not be carved in stone, but it ought to be. Honestly, how many times do I have to explain how wearing white works?
First of all, let me tell you that I don't wear white very often. Not because I'm confused about when it's OK to wear it, but because I'm a klutz. Everything I eat ends up on my lap or some other part of my anatomy.
From the time I can remember, it was an unwritten rule that one could not wear white in the form of pants, shoes, dresses, purses, etc., until Easter Sunday. My grandmother believed it, my mother believed it; my aunts believed it and I took it as the gospel fact. The rule further was understood that wearing white after Labor Day is also an undisputed no-no.
Therefore, here's the rule in a nutshell: No white before Easter and none after Labor Day.
When I began discussing this rule at length with my co-workers, the topic became a somewhat heated debate.
One person said it was OK to wear white once the weather turned warm and stayed that way for a week or longer.
Sounds logical, but there is a problem with that. We do live in the Deep South. Quoting from a nice man standing on the train station platform at Disney World, we have two seasons in the south: Christmas and summer. So hanging your decision on when to wear a white pair of pants on how the weather is simply cannot be done in good fashion conscious. Now really, would you wear a white pair of shoes with those white pants to the annual Thanksgiving feast? I thought not.
Another person said that wearing white is certainly acceptable on the first day of spring. That's perfectly all right with me if you want to wait until then, but for some reason Easter usually falls a few weeks ahead of the first day of spring and that gives us a little more time with those pretty white shoes.
Yet another person said that since she is a grown-up she could wear what she wants to wear when she wants to wear it. Fine. If she doesn't mind people who are of the same opinion that I am about this whole white thing talking about her, then go ahead - wear white from head to toe for all I care. Just don't be surprised if folks whisper about your choice of attire behind your back. The only place I want to see white in December is on the ground in the form of snow.
There was also a big debate on this &#8220winter white” garbage. Sure, it may be made of wool, but just because it will keep you warm doesn't mean you should wear white pants in the winter.
I heard a comedian once give this piece of advice about lycra and biker's shorts: just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it. Same goes for the idea of anything white made of wool. Just 'cause they make it and sell it doesn't make it OK to wear.
If you feel you must wear white between now and Easter or even if you plan on wearing that winter white pantsuit to the next Christmas party, go ahead. If you are grown, you are certainly free to do whatever you wish. I don't buy your clothes and shoes for you so you don't have to listen to what I say.
But if I see you walking across the parking lot in a pair of white shoes before April 8 or as you wheel your Thanksgiving turkey to the car, don't be surprised if I gun the motor as I head your way.
Lisa Tindell is a news writer for The Brewton Standard. She can be reached at 867-4876 or by email at lisa.tindell@brewtonstandard.com.

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