Plan to create lasting memories

Published 12:35 am Monday, July 2, 2007

By Staff
Barbecue, ice cream, swimming and sparklers were all a part of my Fourth of July holidays as I grew up all those years ago. Many of you may also recall those kinds of activities as we approach the Independence Day holiday. Our parents created those important memories way back then.
I can remember as a child being excited about the events that would be a part of that special holiday. In the days leading up to the holiday, my daddy would make sure to hunt down a watermelon farmer in order to purchase just the right melon for our celebration. It didn't matter if he had to pluck it from the field himself or buy from a truck parked beside the road, we would most assuredly have a watermelon for the Fourth of July.
The watermelon would be placed in the refrigerator a couple of days before the cookout or either placed in the freezer the morning of the holiday. A cold melon is important.
The cookout always found my daddy firing up the grill in the back yard. My mother was responsible for the preparation of ice cream mix to be frozen. The kind of ice cream we had back then took elbow grease as well as ice and ice cream salt to make happen. I can recall sitting on the edge of the porch turning that crank until my arms ached. You'd churn for a while with one hand then switch to the other. But my arms were never so tired that I couldn't lift a spoon to my mouth to enjoy the frozen treat.
The day would end with a few fireworks to end an afternoon of fun for the family. We always had a few sparklers and firecrackers.
With the popping of the last firecracker, and the last name written in the dark with the golden sparklers, the day would come to a close.
These days, the fireworks enjoyed by members of my family (mainly my son and myself) are enjoyed in East Brewton near Fort Crawford Park. It's not the same activities that I enjoyed as a child, but the activities we do participate in are making memories for my son. I hope he has fond memories to share with his children someday surrounding the holiday.
I hope that you will be remembering the good times in your life this Fourth of July. If you don't have any plans, make some. Create memories for your children and grandchildren. Good memories are getting harder and harder to come by.
Lisa Tindell is a news writer for The Brewton Standard. She can be reached at 867-4876 or by email at

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