UF holds kick-off event in city park

Published 2:50 pm Monday, October 29, 2007

By By Lisa Tindell – news editor
Gumbo and Zydeco music filled the Brewton City Park Gazebo Thursday as board members; volunteers and agency representatives enjoyed the United Fund of Brewton and East Brewton kick-off activities.
The noontime event was open to various leaders in Brewton and East Brewton to emphasize the importance of United Fund. The gumbo luncheon, served by David's Catfish House, was the official start of fund raising for the group with a $90,000 goal waiting at the end of the event.
Moncrief said the UF fund raising campaign is now undeerway with the majority of donations expected by December.
Moncreif said the kick-off event was held later than normal due to other activities in the area.
The campaign will be raising funds to be distributed among 16 agencies that serve the citizens of Brewton and East Brewton.

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