Halloween safety is top priority
Published 3:30 pm Wednesday, October 31, 2007
By Staff
Halloween is typically celebrated by children. The safety of those trick-or-treaters should be the top priority for everyone.
Safety should be a top priority at any time of the year for children and adults alike.
Officers with Brewton and East Brewton will be on the streets with our children Thursday for the annual trick-or-treating event. Their presence will help to ensure the safety of everyone celebrating the day.
In today's edition of The Brewton Standard, you will find a couple of lists that include safety tips to help keep the holiday enjoyable for everyone.
Members of the Escambia County Child Advocacy Center made trick-or-treat bags available to kindergarten students throughout Escambia County. The reflective bag has a host of safety tips printed on the bag.
On page 1B of today's paper, you'll find a photo of the bag as well as the tips printed on it. We hope the efforts of the agency are not in vain.
Another set of safety tips is provided today by Carolyn Bivins of the Extension Service. She even offers tips on how to keep children from snacking on their treats during their candy-gathering activities.
We commend these two agencies for putting the safety of the children in our community their top priority. We join them in their quest to keep the children of this community safe and happy.