Groups give reminder of holiday spirit

Published 6:18 pm Monday, November 26, 2007

By Staff
With the holiday season in full swing, it's easy to forget why we really celebrate. Tinsel and turkey and gifts galore are fun, but they have very little to do with Christmas.
Two Brewton groups gave us a reason to remember last week and helped kick off the holiday season on the right note. The employees at David's Catfish and volunteers with Divine Temple spent their Thanksgiving making sure that as many people in our community as they could reach had a happy holiday.
David's Catfish workers were up early to fry turkeys and prepare boxed dinners for about 100 people, while the church volunteers invited anyone who needed dinner to stop by their makeshift kitchen on U.S. 31 and pick up a plate.
All of these volunteers were cheerful about their work - they were simply excited to be doing something for someone else, even if it took them away from their own celebrations for a while.
Theirs is the attitude we all need to keep throughout this holiday season. We have so many opportunities in our community to give of ourselves - whether that's time, talent or treasure.
United Fund's campaign is in full swing, so anyone who would like to donate to the fund and its 16 area agencies can contact P.O. Box 34, Brewton, 36427.
Habitat for Humanity is heading to Troy next weekend to help with a building blitz there, and volunteers are welcome to attend. Call 867-0095 for information.
The Brewton Chamber of Commerce will also be holding its annual Christmas Project this year, with angel trees around town to give folks a chance to buy gifts for children in need.
Along with those activities, there are dozens of opportunities to help out this season and throughout the year.
The holiday spirit is alive and well in our community - and not just because of the tinsel and lights.

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