Chief urges safety tips

Published 8:47 pm Monday, December 17, 2007

By By Lisa Tindell – news editor
The wonder of the holiday season should bring joy and excitement. However, it could also be a time of distress and sorrow when crimes or accidents happen.
Shopping during the holidays could be a hazard if caution is not exercised, McGougin said.
McGougin says being aware of surroundings is always a good idea but especially during the holiday rush.
McGougin said locking your car doors is important, making sure to lock your doors immediately once you are inside the vehicle.
Keeping belongings near could also save some headaches during this busy season, McGougin said.
Credit card fraud is a problem in many areas but McGougin said some of those problems could be avoided by following a few simple tips.
McGougin says paying by check or credit card when possible will lessen the possibility of losing cash while rushing through a shopping event.
Neighbors can be very valuable during the holiday season, McGougin said.
McGougin also said asking neighbors to watch for package delivery may also save you some distress.

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