Super Tuesday allows state voice in vote

Published 2:55 am Monday, February 4, 2008

By Staff
For the first time in recent memory, Alabama is not late to the party. The state's participation in the Super Duper Tuesday presidential primaries gives Alabama a chance to help decide who will be the Republican and Democratic nominees for the nation's highest office.
Not that our votes didn't count before, when primaries were held after the clear frontrunner had emerged in the party races.
But this year - with tight contests on both sides of the aisle - it seems Alabamians can really make an impact with their votes. We don't yet know who will be on the November ballot, an unusual circumstance once a primary is held in Alabama.
We hope that helps pique interest in the races this year - and that all voters who are registered will make an effort to make it to the polls on Tuesday.
This year's primary season has certainly been interesting, with polls going up and down and candidates trading frontrunner status. It has also been downright nasty at times - an unfortunate political byproduct we hope doesn't turn voters away.
The primary ballots themselves are also confusing, with voters choosing not only the candidate they want but the delegates who will vote for them at the party conventions.
But choosing those delegates is not difficult - just remember to vote for the delegates who match your candidate.
It seems any time an election rolls around we talk about how pivotal that race will be. But with the economy headed south, the war in Iraq headed into its sixth year, healthcare at a crisis point and terrorism still a very real threat, our nation is truly at a pivotal time.
Our votes on Tuesday can make a real difference in how the nation tackles all of those issues. We urge those who are registered to take the time to cast a ballot.
Then you can go home, turn on the television and watch history unfold.

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