Marriott's shoes will be hard to fill

Published 1:23 pm Wednesday, April 16, 2008

By Staff
Brewton Elementary School students have had the pleasure of having a friend sit in the principal's position at the school for the past several years.
Deborah Marriott will be stepping down from her position as principal to take on a full-time job as a mother. She also plans to keep busy with part-time work in some area as well.
The Brewton City School Board is now faced with the task of choosing someone to take on the responsibilities of overseeing a school that serves hundreds of our children. The task is not an easy one and one the board will not take lightly.
A special committee was formed to pore over applications of those people who want a chance at the position. The committee has worked together in their efforts to make the best recommendation for the job.
Marriott has said on many occasions she has been lucky enough to have capable, dedicated employees work with her at Brewton Elementary School. She has also said they have blessed her day after day, year after year.
With three candidates for the position still under consideration it is our hope the Brewton School Board will consider the shoes that are being left to fill at the school.
Marriott's shoes have walked countless miles leading children to classrooms. Those same shoes have stood many hours counseling with parents who have questions and concerns about their children and their school. Those same shoes, no doubt, have also been splattered with tears of children who have been anxious about their first days at school.
For whom ever board members choose to fill the position, we send our best wishes on filling very big shoes.

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