Program encourages summer reading

Published 9:11 pm Monday, June 23, 2008

By By Adrienne McKenzie
Simply because school is out for the summer does not mean children should stop learning. Children can continue their education throughout the hot summer months by grabbing a book and reading, which is why the Escambia County Library System is continuing its Books-By-Mail 2008 Summer Reading Program.
Library director Geri Albritton said the program began at the beginning of the summer and has already had great success.
Albritton said the summer reading program begins when school lets out and lasts throughout the summer.
The Escambia County Library System summer reading program serves all children within county lines. The free program allows children from preschool age up to 12th grade to read all summer long.
Parents or children can call the library at 368-4130 to request a registration form for the summer reading program.
When Albritton receives registration forms, she chooses four books to send. The books will arrive at the customer's home in a green canvas mailing bag with a catalog of additional books available through the library.
The customer will then use the pre-paid green canvas mailer to return the books to the library after they have finished reading the books.
Everything with the Books-By-Mail program is free, including return postage.
Some incentives include bookmarks, reading logs and other prizes.
Albritton said the library carries out the Books-By-Mail program because it is a great  way for people to read without even stepping out of their homes.
To participate in the summer reading program or for more information, call 368-4130.

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