Packages for soldiers a great idea
Published 11:37 pm Wednesday, July 9, 2008
By Staff
Five years into the war in Iraq - and six into our military operation in Afghanistan - our soliders continue to fight for the ideals our nation was founded upon.
The least we can do is support them - and maybe even make sure they have plenty of socks.
Employees at the Escambia County Courthouse are working to fulfill the modest wishes of soldiers who simply want some mail and some comforts from home.
Those little things we take for granted - Q-tips and cottom balls, crackers and crossword puzzles - would be prized by soldiers who are serving in difficult conditions.
The courthouse workers have sent 20 care packages to Iraq so far, and they are working to send more. They encourage anyone interested to get a supply list and join the effort.
Reappraisal department employee Carla Redfearn, who served in Iraq, received similar care packages when she was overseas.
That little touch of home made the time she spent there a little bit easier.
Even in times tough on everyone's wallet, church groups, civic organizations and office staffs can probabably pool their resources to join the courthouse employees' efforts.
As the war continues so far away, it would be easy not to think about the people serving so far from home.
We applaud Redfearn and her co-workers for not forgetting the men and women who are serving our country and working to bring its democratic ideals to other parts of the world.