HSUS offers higher rewards for dog fighting information

Published 3:36 am Monday, August 11, 2008

By By Lisa Tindell – news editor
Increasing rewards is one way the Humane Society of the United States is looking to stop dog fighting.
Humane Society of Escambia County director, Renee Jones, was part of a press conference announcing the increase Wednesday in the office of Alabama Attorney General Troy King.
Jones said the result of the rise in rewards was made after public awareness concerning these types of cases was raised.
Jones, who is also the cruelty to animals investigator for Escambia County, said in many cases information provided by private individuals is becoming the department's best chance at arresting violators.
Jones said dog fighting has been going on in the Brewton area and in surrounding counties for a long time, but with the help of private individuals, it can be stopped.
Jones said the criminals behind that kind of cruelty are “evil” and the activities must be put to a halt.
Jones said the animals in Escambia County are fortunate to have the support shown in the areas of animal cruelty.
Jones said any information provided to the Humane Society of Escambia County or to law enforcement officers in connection with dog fighting or other animal cruelty cases can be done so anonymously.
To report an incident of dog fighting, cock fighting or other animal cruelty, contact the Humane Society of Escambia County at 867-6860 or any law enforcement officer in Escambia County.

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