Bonner: Congress ‘failed' DTF

Published 3:53 am Wednesday, August 13, 2008

By By Lisa Tindell – news editor
Congress should have passed funding to help continue the work of the Escambia County drug task force and other similar law enforcement agencies, U.S. Rep. Jo Bonner told constituents Monday at a town hall meeting in Brewton.
But while it is important, Bonner said he does not expect that funding to be passed in the weeks left in the Congressional term.
Bonner said the current Congress has been focused on issues that don't carry the importance as the issue of continuing the work of drug task forces across the country.
Bonner said there are many areas that require the focus of Congress that would improve the condition of America in the fight against drugs.
In moving to other comments from those attending the meeting Monday, Dr. Susan McBride, president of Jefferson Davis Community College, expressed thanks to Bonner for his work in Washington.
Bonner responded to McBride's comments with details concerning opportunities that lay in Alabama's future and the two-year college environment.
Bonner said the education provided to potential workers in this area have made the district attractive to business and industry leaders.
Bonner said long-term planning is essential for the growth of the economy in South Alabama and that planning is taking place in the business world.
Bonner referred to ThyssenKrupp's steel mill being constructed in Calvert near Mobile as being an opportunity of a lifetime for South Alabama.
Bonner said history has proven looking into the future for growth and development has been difficult for the American public to grasp.
Bonner also implored Brewton area residents to vote this November.
Bonner said voting is an act that so many Americans take for granted and one that many people have fought for in years past.

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