Competing is good for the purse

Published 3:47 am Wednesday, August 13, 2008

By Staff
Chances are if you're reading this column, you also watch cooking shows on television. If that's the case, you have no doubt seen some of the cook-off shows that appear on stations from time to time.
There have been a few of those contest shows that I've felt I could have done pretty well competing in. Although I've never gone to the trouble to enter a contest, I've certainly thought about and am thinking about it now.
I've seen competitions that have prizes up to $100,000. That's a pretty good deal for cooking a piece of chicken. And who would've thought that using peanut butter in a recipe could earn you up to $50,000?
If you're interested in getting in on some of the contests currently open, I've decided to get some information together that may help you get your foot in the door.
I've decided that I just might try my hand at a contest or two. My theory is that if I can get in on some of the smaller contests to see how things actually go and win, I might have a chance at one of the bigger prizes.
After looking at a list of contests, I realized there is one out there for just about any ingredient you can imagine.
For instance, there is a Golden Spurtle contest. If you're like me, you have no idea what that contest is about. I looked it up and unless you cook porridge (the stuff in the Three Little Bears nursery rhyme), you probably won't be entering this one.
Over the next couple of weeks, I plan on getting a list together about contests we might actually be interested in entering.
If you've ever entered a cooking contest, I'd love to hear from you about your experience.
Until next week, happy cooking.

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